Jake's Story...
As the result of an abusive childhood, I became homeless at the age of fourteen. It was an awful choice, but I was intact and very glad for that. However, the "glad" soon wore off and basic survival became an everyday battle. Daily life, food insecurity, despair, cold winters, and loneliness were brutal.
Until I joined the Army at age 18 (82nd Airborne Paratrooper), I never really got away from the plight of being Homeless and the feeling of hopelessness. After completing my military duty, I became a skilled handyman and soon thereafter, I felt a strong desire to work with the Homeless.
Because of my lengthy and profound experience in being Homeless, that strong desire became a passion. I had a longing to help my Homeless "friends" and soon began working with a project in Virginia dedicated to the many special needs of the Homeless. It included providing them with a "home" and the under-roof benefits that most people take for granted. I immersed myself in this environment and found working with Homeless People to be extremely rewarding.
Having an eagerness to learn more and advance my services to the Homeless, I headed to East Harlem in New York. It was a dark experience - an astounding education about Homelessness. I later began my own project. A home for the Homeless - no more than two at a time. It was a small endeavor but meaningful for my "guests". Unfortunately, an inability to accommodate so many needs was overwhelming. The issues soon outgrew my resources, but not my passion.
I have since taken a more realistic, sustainable approach involving dedicated volunteers and other needed areas of support. Our committed team visits Homeless communities in the Washington DC area, providing brand new quality socks, care packages, and more... thanks to the kindness of our generous donors!
Through these endeavors, we accomplish a much bigger mission - showing love & compassion and offering hope to our Homeless friends and neighbors. Your assistance with this mission is much needed and greatly appreciated.